l 学术论文 [1] Hu Qing-zhuo, Zhang Fa-bao, Zhang Jin-jun, Jiang Wei,Zhang Bo. Attractive nanofiber structure based on Cu-Ti/metal sandwich film with excellent electrocatalytic performance for ethanol oxidation. Journal of Materials Science & Technology.,2020,58:215-221. [2] Hu Qing-zhuo, Zhang Fa-bao,Jiang Wei, Zhang Bo.A kind of nanofiber-enclosed nanoporousstructure prepared through dealloying a Cu-Ti glassy film. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 772: 1088-1094. [3] Hu Qing-zhuo, Wu Ji-li, Zhang Bo. Synthesis and nanoindentation behaviors of binary CuTi nanoglass films. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2017, 521: 28-31. [4] 胡青卓,张进军,电子束与电阻复合法制备Cu-Ti金属玻璃薄膜及性能测试,jbo竞博官网登录学报(自然科学版),2019,(12):1620-1624. [5] Fabao Zhang, Jili Wu, Wei Jiang, Qingzhuo Hu, Bo Zhang*,New and Efficient Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Production from Water Splitting: Inexpensive, Robust Metallic Glassy Ribbons Based on Iron and Cobalt, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9(37): 31340–31344. [6] Huan Yang, Huaibo Yuan, Qingzhuo Hu, Wenhong Liua⁎, Dawei Zhanga⁎,Synthesis of mesoporous C/MoS2 for adsorption of methyl orange and photo-catalytic sterilization, Applied Surface Science, 2020,504:144445. l 获奖 第六届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛校赛创意组铜奖 |