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日期:2022-12-07 来源: 作者:



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l   教育简历

2013/09 - 2018/06,jbo竞博官网登录,材料科学与工程,硕博连读博士

2016/09 - 2018/02,德国于利希研究中心,等离子体物理研究所,联合培养博士

2009/09 - 2013/07,jbo竞博官网登录,金属材料工程,学士


l  工作简历

2021/12 – 至今,jbo竞博官网登录,jbo竞博官网登录,副教授

2019/10 – 2021/11,jbo竞博官网登录/德国于利希研究中心,中德博士后

2018/08 – 2021/12,jbo竞博官网登录,jbo竞博官网登录,讲师







l  科学研究

(1) 难熔金属材料/部件设计、制备与加工

(2) 钨材料强韧化与自钝化



l      科研项目

[1]  电流辅助退火技术调控轧制钨显微组织及其导热、力学性能优化,国家自然科学基金,2021.1-2023.12,主持

[2] 先进第一壁材料制备与应用基础研究,国家自然科学基金,2021.1-2025.12,合作单位负责人

[3] 均质结构自钝化钨合金的制备及其高温抗氧化行为研究,安徽省自然科学基金,2019.7-2022.6,主持

[4] 面向未来核聚变装置用第一壁先进材料的应用研发,安徽省自然科学基金,2019.1-2021.12,参与



l  学术论文

[1]  Huijuan Zhu, Xiaoyue Tan*, Qingbo Tu, Yiran Mao, Zelin Shu, Jie Chen,  Laima Luo, Andrey Litnovsky, Jan Willem Coenen, Christian Linsmeier and   Yucheng Wu. Effect of pressure on densification and microstructure of W-Cr-Y-Zr alloy during SPS consolidated at 1000 ºC. Metals, 2022, 12,  1437.

[2]   W.J. Wang, X.Y. Tan*, S.P. Yang, Y.R. Mao, L.M. Luo, X.Y. Zhu, A.  Litnovsky, J.W. Coenen, Ch. Linsmeier, Y.C. Wu. The influence of powder  characteristics on densification behavior and microstructure evolution of  W-Cr-Zr alloy consolidated by field-assisted sintering technology. International Journal of   Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2022, 108: 105939.

[3]   Xiaoyue Tan*, Wujie Wang, Xiang Chen, Yiran Mao, Andrey Litnovsky, Felix    Klein, Pawel Bittner, Jan Willem Coenen, Christian Linsmeier, Jiaqin Liu,  Luoma Luo and Yucheng Wu*. Characteristics of microstructure evolution during  FAST joining of the tungsten foil laminate. Metals, 2021, 11(6): 886.

[4]  W.J. Wang, X.Y. Tan*, S.P. Yang, L.M. Luo, X.Y. Zhu, Y.R. Mao, A.  Litnovsky, J.W. Coenen, Ch. Linsmeier, Y.C. Wu. On grain growth and phase  precipitation behaviors during the W-Cr-Zr alloy densification using  field-assisted sintering technology. International Journal of Refractory       Metals and Hard Materials, 2021, 98: 105552.

[5]   Diana Bachurina*, Xue-Yue Tan*, Felix Klein, Alexey Suchkov, Andrey  Litnovsky*, Janina Schmitz, Jesus Gonzalez-Julian, Martin Bram, Jan  Willem Coenen, Yu-Cheng Wu and Christian Linsmeier. Self-passivating   smart tungsten alloys for DEMO: a progress in joining and upscale for a   first wall mockup. Tungsten, 2021, 3: 101-115.

[6]  S.P. Yang, W.J. Wang, X.Y. Tan*, H.J. Zhu, A. Litnovsky, F. Klein, Y.R. Mao, J.W. Coenen, Ch. Linsmeier, L.M. Luo, P. Li, Y.C. Wu. Influence of   the applied pressure on the microstructure evolution of W-Cr-Y-Zr alloys  during the FAST process. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2021169: 112474.

[7]  W.J. Wang, X.Y. Tan*, J.Q. Liu, X. Chen, M. Wu, L.M. Luo, X.Y. Zhu, H.Y.  Chen, Y.R. Mao, A. Litnovsky, J.W. Coenen, Ch. Linsmeier, Y.C. Wu*. The influence of heating rate on W-Cr-Zr alloy densification process and  microstructure evolution during spark plasma sintering. Powder Technology, 2020 370,   9-18.

[8]  X.Y. Tan*, F. Klein, A. Litnovsky, T. Wegener, J. Schmitz, Ch. Linsmeier,  J.W. Coenen, U. Breuer, M. Rasinski, P. Li, L.M. Luo, Y.C. Wu*. Evaluation of the high   temperature oxidation of W-Cr-Zr self-passivating alloys, Corrosion   Science, 2019 147, 201-211.

l  授权专利

[1] 吴玉程, 谭晓月, 王武杰, 罗来马, 朱晓勇, 刘家琴, 吴眉, 一种难熔金属再结晶退火的方法, 中国, ZL201910547060.8

[2] 吴玉程,王武杰,谭晓月,朱晓勇,罗来马,一种多温区多功能高温气氛管式炉,中国,ZL201922145212.X

[3] 谭晓月,吴玉程,罗来马,刘家琴,朱晓勇,一种具有长时间抗高温氧化性能的W自钝化合金及其制备方法,中国,ZL201810908001.4





