l 学术论文 [1] X. Wang, P. Li, N. Gao, Y. Huang*, T.G. Langdon, Microstructure and microhardness evolution in pure molybdenum processed by high-pressure torsion, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2020, 22, 1901022. [2] K.M. Xue, Z. Wang, X. Wang, Y.F. Zhou, P. Li*, Nano-indentation nanohardness and elastic modulus evolution of molybdenum processed by high-pressure torsion, Materials Science and Technology, 2020, 1740863. [3] P. Li, T. Wu, J.J. Shu, Y.F. Zhou, X. Wang, K.M. Xue*, Phase transformation of pure tungsten subjected to multi-directional compression, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2020, 86: 105086. [4] X. Wang, P. Li*, K.M. Xue, Strain effect on grain refinement and thermal stability of ultrafine-grained molybdenum processed by severe plastic deformation, Procedia Manufactory, 2018, 15: 1487-1494. [5] P. Li, Q. Lin, X. Wang, Y. Tian and K.M. Xue*, Recrystallization behavior of pure molybdenum powder processed by high-pressure torsion, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2018, 72: 367-372. [6] P. Li, D.Z. Sun, X. Wang, K.M. XUE, R. Hua, Y.C. Wu, Microstructure and thermal stability of sintered pure tungsten processed by multiple direction compression, Transactions of Nonferrous Metal Society of China, 2018, 28: 461−468. [7] X. Wang*, P. Li*, K.M. Xue, DEM and microstructure analysis of pure molybdenum powder material during equal channel angular pressing, Key Engineering Materials, 2017, 732: 11-15. [8] P. Li*, X. Wang, K.M. Xue, Y. Tian, Y.C. Wu, Microstructure and recrystallization behavior of pure W powder processed by high-pressure torsion, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2016, 54: 439-444. [9] X. Wang, M.Y. Nie*, C.T. Wang, S.C. Wang, N. Gao, Microhardness and corrosion properties of hypoeutectic Al-7Si alloy processed by high-pressure torsion, Materials and Design, 2015, 83: 193-202. [10] X. Wang, P. Li*, K.M. Xue, An analysis on microstructure and grain size of molybdenum powder material processed by equal channel angular pressing, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2015, 24: 4510-4517. l 教学成果与奖励 1、指导本科生毕业设计“超细晶钼在退火过程中的再结晶动力学分析”,获院级优秀论文,2020 2、指导大学生创新训练项目“汽车空调压缩机空心活塞多向闭塞式挤压成形工艺研究”,2020 3、指导大学生创新训练项目“某汽车排气管隔热罩隔热性能分析及结构优化”,2019 4、指导本科生参加第五届jbo竞博官网登录“互联网+”创新创业大赛-“新零售(智能无人零售)校 园落地应用”,获创意组铜奖,2019 |